(ISSUE)channel and rack config not saved

I do.
And I wonder how Steinberg can make this so difficult? Both on themself and their users :confused:

All common functions and features should work (and look) the same on both Cubase and Nuendo.

Get the forth mixer into Cubase, make the mixer configuration work the same on both (and much more).

*The next section is for they who want to share my frustration of new mixing environment in Cubase and Nuendo.

Why don’t they make one app, one GUI, same functions and features (inc NEK) up until the specific Post production tools (if they just knew where to draw the line???). Then call the Post production tools an “extention” or “add-on” or “whatever”, maybe the Nuendo Post Production Pack.

Now I got to stop my self here :wink:

That said, I’m still mixing in C6.5 and N5.5.
And I will start mixing in Reaper (I used the Easter to look into it - and I am quite impressed (once you find a Theme that you like)).
Initial recording, overdubbing, editing and track preperations, I will likely do in Cubase 7.5 (mostly because of the Track Versions feature - coming to N6.5 I believe).

It’s the new mixing “environment” I just can’t stand. You should be able to “play” the mixer on instinct (like an instrument), not stop to think about “where and what to click” for every step and, and breaking your “creative bubble” to many times a session :cry: .

Sorry, I just couldn’t stop my self :wink: :slight_smile: :smiley: :mrgreen: