Normal? Changing pregain doesn't affect height in faders?

I noticed on the hardware input channel and on the actual audio channel in the mixer, I can change that channel pregain knob from - infinity to 48dB gain, and though the volume through the headphones changes appropriately, the height of the signal in the fader doesn’t change.

Does anyone else have that behavior?

Thanks -

Check to see how your meters are set up (context menu) - probably pre-fader!

Oh, dear, it’s going to be a tougher transition from C6.5 than I thought. My recollection was that in 6.5 the trim input dial at the top was able to affect the height of the signal in the fader, whether meters were pre- or post-fader.

Thanks, Brihar -

Maybe you are confusing things by using the term pre fader when this option doesn’t exist in Cubase.
The input gain will affect the meter in both “Post Fader” & “Post Panner” settings.

It will not make any difference when metering is set to “Input”

Oh, dear, it’s going to be a tougher transition from C6.5 than I thought

It’s exactly the same

Yup, thanks Grim. Got it all working as expected, not exactly sure what happened, maybe something to do with Direct Monitoring, maybe in combination with the UR28M, I’m not sure. For a period of time the meter choices weren’t affecting anything, now they’re behaving!

I wasn’t really losing my mind!