Nuendo 6.5?

The NEK should be a seperate install so that it could be used across both Cubase and Nuendo. That way people like me with both Nuendo and Cubase (allready paid for NEK), could use the same functions across both apps.

A paid add-on package for Nuendo only users, free to use in Nuendo for owner of both Cubase and Nuendo.

Is that so hard to do?

I’m also a music producer only, and have also liked Nuendo better (historically) because of some rather small things.
Steinberg’s problem is and has always been; Where to draw the line between Music and Post?
Is the forth mixer a Post only feature?
Is the cycle marker export a Post only feature?
Is the extended cross-fade editor a Post only feature?
Is the extended automation a Post only feature?
etc, etc…

Please fill in what you think are rather suspect Post only features. As said, wher to draw the line?