image construction error...why does this keep happening?

Hi Guys,

I’ve had this error come up quiite a lot recently; I import a few samples, doubleclick to set anchor points, and all I see is a blank screen in the sample editor with ‘image construction error’.
I can’t seem to find a way to repair them…how do I fix this, and why does it keep happening?
My drive has about 2tb free so it isn’t to do with space, and since I can import samples I can’t imagine it being a folder rights issue either…



I use to experience this once in a while. Haven’t seen it for a long time though.
When it did happen, I would close Nuendo and restart. This always fixed the issue for me.
Some claim that opening the pool and simply clicking on the file in question will prompt
the program to build the image.

Been around for a long time though. Google “image construction error” and you’ll see.