MC Control Jog Track Select Question

This is distracting as hell! I wrote a Wheel Command to be able to quickly scroll through the mixer channels. :frowning:

Pages 47 - 50 of the Artist’s Control User’s Guide gave step by step instructions on how to set up Jog Wheel Commands. Someone on the Avid site helped me tweak it to the specific task, as the manual’s example was inserting up & down arrows when the wheel turned left and right.

To create a custom Jog command:
1 Select Wheel from the Section pop-up menu. The Soft Key Wheel window opens.
(Creating a command in the Soft Keys tab
It is normal for the window to show an image of the Artist Transport.)

2 Double-click the Jog label. The Jog Wheel Command Editor opens.

3 Click the + button and select Arrow Keys as the name for the command. Note that the lower pop-up is set to Turn Jog Right. TheJog Wheel must be programmed to turn right and left.

4 Click the Add pop-up menu and select the Key command type.

5 Select Down Arrow from the Insert Special pop-up menu. You have assigned the command for the Jog Wheel to turn right, now
assign it to turn left.
Soft Key Wheel
Jog Wheel
6 Select Turn Jog Left and select the Key command type from the Add pop-up menu.

7 Select Up Arrow from the Insert Special pop-up menu.

8 Close the Jog Wheel Command Editor. You can now select a Soft Key to press to assign it to the Jog Wheel.

To assign a Soft Key for the new Jog Wheel command:
1 In the Soft Key tab of EuControl, select Artist Control Surface from the Section pop-up.

2 Find a blank Soft Key and double-click it. You may need to select a different (or new) page to find a blank key. The Soft Key
Command Editor dialog opens.

3 Select the Wheel command type from the Add pop-up menu.

4 Select Artist Control’s Jog from the Wheel pop-up menu. Make sure to select Artist Control’s Jog (bottom) and not Artist Transport’s
Jog (top). Icons beside their labels make this clear.

5 Select Function > Custom > arrow keys.

6 Close the Soft Key Command Editor.
Soft Keys dialog
Soft Key

I inserted both the Track select Left AND Right commands into the Jog Wheel as instructed.

Then I inserted both custom commands into the Soft Key as instructed.

So why won’t the tracks scroll left when I turn the jog wheel left (or vice versa)???