Simplify hardware and workflow with Elements 8

WaveLab Elements 8 is very light on CPU so in order to have a supported platform, just make sure you get at least a minimum spec laptop as detailed on the product page. A bigger concern would be obtaining a quality headphone output, as this is not always a given in a laptop. I use an ESI Dr DAC Nano and I’m very happy with it, driving a variety of low (~35R) impedance headphones, but you’ve got to try out the laptop as some have very good audio chips these days, and you can always upgrade later. You don’t need anything special for WaveLab, the standard drivers are fine and you don’t need low audio latency for editing.

I use WL even on a netbook but do note that some plugins don’t work then because the CPU doesn’t have the required features, so stick with the recommendation of at least a dual core CPU and you should be fine; I’ve only ever used Intel CPUs.