(SOLVED)Why can't I make MixConsole scalable like Greg Ondo?

I think maybe I am actually scaling the mixer … when I move it around, the behavior is a little different from when I move any other Windows window, to include the Cubase Project window: after dragging the MixConsole around, when I let go, there is a subsequent very rapid (within a few hundred milliseconds at the most) resizing of the MC window. The other Windows windows don’t do that, so I guess that means the MC is getting “scaled”?

What confused me is that when Greg Ondo drags his MC edge or corner around (13 seconds into this video: MixConsole Advanced Functionality | Cubase 7 Q&A with Greg Ondo - YouTube ), the resizing occurs “real time”, where as mine doesn’t occur till I let go of the mouse. Another way of saying that is that if I have a downsized MC that I want to scale larger, when I click and drag the edge or corner, the MC stays static until I let go after the drag … his MC moves out immediately with his drag.

Is that a Windows vs. Mac thing, or maybe I have some Windows or Cubase preference set to make it do that?

More important, actually: in a single screen set up like I have, W7 - is there any disadvantage to using a full screen MC? I see that I can get to other open programs by ALT-TABBING while the MC stays full screen, but maybe there are other things to be concerned about …?

Thanks for any thoughts -