What did I do to the pan settings in mixer?

Aloha R.

More info on and around page 186 in the manual:

The pan control allows you to position a channel in the stereo spectrum.
• To make fine adjustments, hold down [Shift] when you move the pan control.
• To select the default center pan position, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and click the pan control.
• To edit the value numerically, double-click the pan control. The Stereo Balance Panner
The Stereo Balance Panner allows you to control the balance between the left and right channels. It is activated by default.
The Stereo Combined Panner
With the Stereo Combined Panner, the left and right pan controls are linked and keep their relative distance if you move them. It is available for channels with a stereo input and output configuration. To activate this panner, open the context menu for a pan control and select “Stereo Combined Panner”.
• To set the pan independently for the left and right channels, hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag left or right.
• To reverse the left and right channels, pan the left channel to the right and the right to the left.
The area between the pan controls changes the color to indicate that the channels are reversed.
• To sum two channels, set them to the same pan position (mono). Note that this increases the volume of the signal.

Good Luck!