Tips Tricks And Workflow Goodness

For me it doesn’t arm the tracks because once you delete the items it goes to the first selected track and only that one is armed. This is because “Track Selection Follows Event Selection” is enabled which makes the first selected track the only selected track after delete.

However if you change the order of the last two it will work more consistently (i.e. With “Track Selection Follows Event Selection” enabled) though you loose track selection if on anything but Range Selection tools but duplicated tracks are still armed.

I also don’t ever need any other tracks to be record enabled and usually they are monitoring through the tracks I am duplicating so they are already armed. So I added a Project Logical Editor for all armed tracks (already a shortcut for disabling only audio tracks in Mixer key commands if you need just that).

- duplicate selected track 
- select all events on the new one
- PLE - Disable Arming On All Audio, MIDI & Instrument Tracks
- arm for record
- delete

I use this all the time with Pro Tools and select what I want to duplicate so this would be a great help to get set up.

Pro Tools Duplicate Selected Tracks.jpg