Mixer faders soft takeover.. generic remote?

This feature is neither available directly in the ‘Device setup’ window, nor documented.

BUT, there is a workaround…

  1. Open with a text editor (i.e., notepad) your generic remote file definition (which is an .xml one, that should have been saved with the ‘Export’ button of the ‘Device setup’ window).
  2. To each and every control for which you would like to have soft takeover, in its dedicated line starting with , add the value 8 to the one already existing. In example, if you have a control named ‘K 09 (B1)’ in your Generic Remote definition, edit its line :

K 09 (B1)1767521271
to get this one :

K 09 (B1)1767521279

Make the same editing for all the controllers involved.

  1. Save and close the file and restart Cubase : soft takeover should now be working for the choosed controllers.

Don’t ask me why this isn’t directly available in the ‘Device setup’ window and not documented. I’m now waiting for an answer from Steiny about this, after the feature request made here : Steinberg Forums.