why so many new versions so fast

I get both sides of this…

If you’re a pro and your equipment doesn’t work though, if it’s preventing you from serving your customer, and you need to keep searching for fixes… I mean, you should take a look at yourself.

Keep it as simple as you need to keep your customer satisfied.
If that’s a lifelong mission, you’re doing something wrong, or perhaps in the wrong field.

Sometimes I chuckle at certain forums with people calling themselves engineers or musicians even, all they talk about are their tech issues day after day, year after year. Remind me not to use YOU when I need something. Some of these guys I have never read one sentence about the actual art. It’s just a lifelong journey of searching the best plug-in, best setup, how to fix this and that. If you’re making great art, you should be fine. This idea about last 3% or whatever… whaaaateva. Excuses.