Groove Agent 4 is a DOWNgrade

Hi all,

Thanks for your feedback (except for the one with the “drunken idiot”…).

Selecting the styles for the factory content was quite a challenge. We knew from the beginning that it would be impossible to please musicians of all genre and styles, especially with 3 Agents with 3 different types of users and thousands of sub genres…

So we decided to focus for the initial release on the broad field of contemporary rock/pop drum styles for the Acoustic Agent and the most popular electronic genres for the Beat Agent.

BUT there will be expansion packs with more styles and patterns and also more drum kits. And jazz and also country are definitely on our list.

Please keep your feedback coming and let us know what kind of styles you would like to see in the future in Groove Agent. Until then please have a little more patience and check out all the styles that are included in the factory library.