Mediabay - happy with the order of listings..?

“Agreed, but only if there is no 2 - 9 available, yes…?”

No, anything with a “1” in same column will be listed first.
Then anything with “2”.
Same thing as it would be a letter “a” is before “b” etc.
A shorter string is considered lower value - so 10 come after one - unless right adjusted.

See each string as x columns of letters, and rows of strings like that, each column get sorted from left to right.

So you can affect the sort order with how you name things.

When you allow both letters and numbers in a string - I don’t think we will see numbered ordering, since in most cases it’s impossible. If ending with numbers it would be possible to handle that and insert fills to rightadjust it.

So if you name stuff with ending numbers - just do it like 001, 002 and similar. Then it will sort like you want.

Myself I would love to naming templates for just about everything. You know with placeholders “NNNNNNNNNN” for 10 position name, “HHMMSS” for timestamp etc. “000” could be number always three positions, with leading zeros. This for audio files, projects files and anything really.

In Reaper you have this ability.