Incredible. Cubase 5.5 is more retina-compatible than Pro8

The whole ‘retina’ scam totally ignored that in print 600dpi looks better than 300dpi for text, lines and any other scenario where there are abrupt colour changes. That 300dpi is easily ‘retina’ to begin with.

Scalable fonts require extra resolution to have pixels that are ‘in-between’ colours to fill in oblique lines, so that when viewed from a distance where the individual pixels CANNOT possibly be resolved, the lines look smooth.

In other words, it is NOT enough to be JUST out of pixel resolution, but substantially better than it.

I had a Note 2, which at 1280x800 was ‘retina’ at the distances I viewed it, but the Note 3, at 1920x1080 looked noticeably better, especially for small text.

The real problem is that the screens that most people look at programs like Cubase on, are nowhere near a high enough resolution to be able to show small scalable fonts properly. They are OK for pixel optimised fonts, but run an LCD screen at anything other than their native resolution, and those look terrible as well.

Screens that are just making ‘retina’ are good at showing things like pictures, where there are not abrupt colour changes from pixel to pixel, so linear interpolative re-rendering has enough pixels over which to work, but dramatically fall down with lines and text which do, so a totally different re-rendering mechanism (the extra partial fill pixels above) is required.