Groove Agent 4 = Excellent

Rumdrum, there are a lot more people who do not like
the new reincarnation of GA4. Most of them have in common
that they used the previous versions and did not want an update
like that. But somebody who’s new to the product and wants to
learn how to use it, will be able to make music and be creative with it.
I never had GA3, I worked a lot with GAO and Beat Designer.
So the update came with some features I was hoping for.
Sure, there are alternatives. But the product GA4 isn’t bad at all,
when you look at it as a new software and forget about the previous versions.
And anybody who had one of the previous versions is able to make the
same with the new version, maybe even better stuff because of the new
features. Everybody was asking for a build in sampler in Cubase.
Now that it’s here, some people don’t even realize it. And the Pro Version
has a lot to offer. Nobody’s forced to buy and use it.
If somebody’s just looking for a virtual drummer, he might be happier with
something else. If somebody’s looking for an all-in-one solution that gives
you the ability to combine best of both worlds, he’ll be satisfied with it.

You also gotta think about one fact: This might be version 4.
But the truth is, that it is version 1. And we know that Steinberg
is caring about feature requests. So let’s see what happens to it.

Made another draft with it: The Whole World (Ruff Draft) - YouTube

I love this piece of software. :slight_smile: