The Project logical Editor and Eucon Macro Thread

Here are a few nuendo macros that use regularly. Particularly with dialog editing and layered sound fx, I like to set myself up with defined loops that i’ll use for automation of a given sequence. Unfortunately, Nuendo does not react very well with hard cut automation at the tip and tail of events and it’s often necessary to pad the automation by a couple frames to avoid clicks and pop ( SB, anytime you want to fix that like protools did, that would be great).

So when I have edit complete, I select the bits I want to include and I use this.

Audio - events to part
nudge - start left
nudge - start left
nudge - start left
nudge - start left
nudge - start left
nudge - start right
nudge - start right
nudge - start right
nudge - start right
nudge - start right

This basically wraps an event box around my edit with the automation padding of 5 frames on either side built in. This also serves another function. Let’s say you have a dialog line built from multiple takes that you want to smoothly apply an offline process too. When you wrap the edit in an event box, you double click it and you’ll see lanes activated. Just copy your edit down to the next lane and bounce it as one file. You can then apply your offline effects to this new version and always have access to the edit if you need to change something.

Checker Boarder
This one gets a lot of use on background amb editing. In a nutshell, take your background track and run it the entire length of the scene. Then scroll through and make a cut on every camera cut. Don’t worry about fades. Be sure there is an empty or available track from the same food group below. Turn on AUTO SELECT EVENTS UNDER CURSOR and select the first event in the line and then run this.

Transport - locate next event
Nudge - down
Navigate - up
Transport - Locate next event
(you may need to add another Navigate - UP at the end)

Assign a key command and it will step through placing every other cut onto the track below.


Select all the parts and …

The Two Frame Kick Out
nudge - start left
nudge - end right
audio - apply standard fade in
audio - apply standard fade out.

If your standard fades are 2 frames, then this is the macro for you!

After your done, you can use the Part Maker macro to wrap up the events on both tracks as a part and it’s ready for automation.