Unable to see Dorico Facebook Group

Earlier today I accidentally published a post on the Facebook Dorico Users that was supposed to be on my personal timeline. Almost immediately, I saw a message stating this was the wrong group and I quickly deleted the post. Since then, I am unable to see the Dorico group and can’t see any notifications in my history either. Was I kicked off? Is their an administrator I can contact to fix this? I value this forum and the Facebook group highly and have learned an enormous amount about this great software.

Thank you in advance.


If you send a message from your Facebook account to the official Dorico Facebook page, I or one of my colleagues will look into it for you.

I wrote John Barron and everything is fixed. Thank you. Both this forum and the Facebook group are superb.

There’s a Dorico Facebook group?

I have a feeling the Facebook group has become busier than this forum in the past six months. It’s just a feeling, though.

Lots of beginner-level questions, which tend to be avoided here. Basically any question is fine.

That’s a fair point.

You’ve got mail, btw :wink:

Got it. Thanks Leo! (and Philp)

You’ll have fun reading through the updated JSON, I’m sure :wink:

I had a look at the Dorico Facebook Group page and I see a lot of interesting questions there. Still I am not able to view any of the answers - as Facebook jumps in between asking me to register an account (which I don’t want). That’s a pity as I am sure the answers in those threads are be of similar quality…

When I was on FB, I often wished everything could be consolidated in one location so I didn’t have to check two places and sort through duplicate questions posted in both. Since then I closed my FB account for privacy reasons and thus only hope all the important stuff gets posted here.

I’m not on FB either, and never will be. I hope most important stuff will be discussed on this forum.

As far as I can tell, the only thing you really miss here is the links to the frequently-published official YouTube videos. Most of the user conversations (and answers) repeat stuff that’s already been asked and answered here.