Anyone know a plug that can pan the Mid signal to Sides?

This is exactly what I’m doing now - using MSED to drop the Mid piano by 2dB (not increasing the Side by 2dB, it sounds OK without doing that). So, yay.

But I also recognize that after doing so I am hearing less volume of the piano frequencies that are in the mid signal. That is an added processing that I didn’t aim to get. I’d like to reposition the Mid piano, based on frequency content, not attenuate it.

Ideally I think I’d like to make a tiny little hole in the Mid piano signal (maybe from L5 to R5) for the voice to sit. The info from the hole wouldn’t be erased or attenuated though, just pushed a little left (for lower piano frequencies) and a little right (for higher frequencies).

I’m not trying necessarily to make it less clashing, but just to reposition some of the piano Mid signal so there is less there to distract from the voice. Though maybe we are saying the same thing … !

Now that is something I hadn’t thought of. I’ll take a look at that. If what you’re saying is that I can pan the Mid piano L vs R, based on the frequency of the signal, then perhaps I just need to look at the frequency content of the Mid piano signal, decide on a cutoff, then it’s off the races. As an example, perhaps everything from 260 Hz (middle C) on down panned to L5, and everything higher than 260 Hz panned R5 (assuming middle C is near the middle frequency of the piano Mid signal)?

I’ll take a look at that, thank you!