It's No Dream, helix native plus cubase

Not sure if anyone reading this has listened to the other 2 tunes I’ve posted here recently, but this one is pretty different from them. It’s a rocker with vocals. Wrote and recorded this on an old port-a-studio (remember them?) back in the mid 90’s. Got the idea to re-visit it late in 2017 with all that tech and many more years of playing experience enables me to now do.
Cubase-wise, this features Halion keys and Groove Agent drums. The guitars and bass are analog, but done with the Helix native plugin through Cubase. The vocals also utilize Helix.

Nice that you could record it again, not my style but I liked the lyrics!

Hi Swetch, lots of good on this recording. Cool song and lyrics. Maybe it’s trying to fit old with new, but overall very loose on timing as a result?