Understanding VST Connect - And “Local Audio File not Found”


I found a version of my project (v1.6) that allows me to connect back to performer and copy files through the vst connect instead of Dropbox. It won’t let me get local files (it will next time I bet) - So I’m just waiting 10+ hours in vst connect for these takes to be copied - to replace the wave files that I screwed up with a manual hack copy. I think that if I’m careful not to screw with my files I’ll be fine in the future.

I made the long post to allow other people to find answers to questions about this feature all in one posting. Sorry about that, I really didn’t want a Steinberg employee to read my whole post… It was mostly for others (I wish more people would post questions that also answer other questions). It can also make for a more complete question when they show you in the post that they understand the feature.

So everyone - you can make a short post at the top for steinberg, but post more about what your doing below the question in case it can help others. (if you have time anyway, thanks).