Catch resonance with pedal / Define new articulation / Combine Symbols

If you mean the semiquaver/16th rest followed by a pedal line, then no, there’s no official way of doing it. It shouldn’t be too difficult to cheat it, though.

Method 1: Set the caret at the start of the bar and either use V to select a voice you’re not already using in that bar, or Shift-V to create a new voice. Then turn on force duration (O), type 4 for semiquaver/16th, R for rest and then any letter A-G to input an explicit rest. Select the other (implicit) rests that are created as a result and go Edit > Remove rests. Then set the caret where you want the pedal line to start and add an ordinary pedal line. If you select the rest you should see a “rest position” property in the bottom panel, which will allow you to force the rest down to below the staff (using a negative value). Then if you wish you can use the Scale property to make the rest smaller.

Method two: locate the appropriate rest glyph from the SMUFL web page (Google it - I’m typing on a mobile device) and copy using Ctrl/Cmd-C. Then in Dorico use Shift-X to create regular text attached to the lower piano stave. Ctrl/Cmd-V to paste. You’ll need to select the glyph (which will not immediately display anywhere near correctly) and then set the font to Bravura Text. You’ll find a property in the bottom panel for position, and should set this to Below Staff. Then set pedal line as normal.

In both methods you’ll need to watch out for exact placement of the rest relative to the pedal line - both have a tendency to move.

The advantage to method 2 is that it’ll easily copy and paste once you’ve done it once.