Respell Note Grouping off Beat

Thank you Daniel for the explanation. I think most of the time Dorico makes the right decision (in terms of rhythmic grouping) and all the options already included work in most of the situations. So for this reason, I think Dorico is going in the right direction and is already a step ahead compared to other scoring software.
My only concern is that rhythms like the one I presented, are extensively used in contemporary writing (my example is actually taken from the music of a contemporary ballet) where meters like 6/8 are also used as crotchet + quaver for the compound beat. I think it would be interesting to have an option that allows Dorico to interpret “classical” meters in modern writing style…for instance, something like “meter grouping”. This, I think, would be useful for people that write directly in Dorico, and also for those who import xml files from their daw.
Thank you again for your answer