C9.5.21 - Instrument Track's additional outputs may not re-enable if track was disabled when project was saved

100% reproducible…

  1. Create a new empty project.
  2. Add an Instrument Track and load a VSTi that is capable of multiple audio outputs on it.
  3. Enable at least 2 of the additional outputs. (Track inspector: next to the VSTi’s name click the icon that looks like a box with a right-arrow on it, and a list of available audio outputs for the instrument shows up)
  4. Right-click on the instrument track and select ‘Show Automation’. The audio outputs will show up as lanes underneath the instrument track in the project window.
  5. Right-click the instrument track and select Disable Track.
  6. Right-click the instrument track and select Enable Track. You will notice all the additional output lanes get re-enabled properly (this is good).
  7. Right-click the instrument track and select Disable Track again.
  8. Save the project, close it and reopen the project. A window will pop up asking “Remove tracks that could not be connected?” and it will list the additional outputs that were enabled. This shouldn’t happen - it should have remembered that these additional outputs are part of the disabled instrument track and it should not be asking the user to reconnect them or deal with them at all at this point.

Here is what happens depending on which button you press in that window:

If you press Cancel:

  • Right-click the instrument track and select Enable Track. You will notice the additional output lanes DO NOT get re-enabled like they did before - they remain disabled. They also do not have an ‘Enable Track’ option in their right-click context menus. However, if you have a keyboard shortcut assigned to the “Enable Track” function, you can select each disabled output lane and re-enable them by invoking the key command for “Enable Track” and this does restore the lanes to proper functionality.

If you press OK:

  • Right-click the instrument track and select Enable Track. You will notice all the additional output lanes get re-enabled properly (this is good) and all seems to be normal.

Cubase 9.5.21
macOS 10.13.4