This Is Ridiculous!

Yep, ridiculous indeed. I can smell the subscription around the corner. Release the hounds… :wink:

The problem with the whole marketing and license bull is that businesses are trying to make digital things appear as though they are physical. They’re not, a crutched implementation based on old and antiquated business thinking. Like the DRM’s “counter”, you have three, seven, ten installs available… simply because they are not physical they cannot control it, so let’s just pick some arbitrary number, “oh, it’s been carefully discussed and calculated to be fair trade”. Bologna, is nice this time of year! :smiley:

Sooner or later businesses will simply just loose out, in favor of something that actually work, and then they’ll again be behind the curve and try to tweak their old thinking into modern. The whole growth thinking is what’s wrong with everything, the current huge corporations don’t have anywhere to grow, so let’s come up with shady subscriptions and even shadier* ways to lock customers into “my” format. Let’s go DRM! :slight_smile:

Isn’t it amazing that MIDI still rocks. People talk and text on phones that are more powerful than a lot of home computers, and could have video with collaboration, etc. but no, corporations are so busy branding everyone so that new awesome generic protocols and interfaces simply do not emerge, only proprietary ones. The operating systems are the same way, different apps on all of them, crippled society because we cannot communicate properly… lol, insanity. All in the name of business. People? Who cares, there are 8 billion of them.

I do think the current weather really shows that business as is, cannot sustain as advertised. In larger corporations there is a serious disconnect between investor/shareholder, corporate middle layer and the “factory floor”, when the only thing that counts is margins and growth. If selling A-bombs was profitable they would, oh wait…

Lame blue ball primitive thinking. Now, where are those Martians when you need them?

Live life, no worries. Oh right, I apologize for the rant. I just came back after some time away, back to the same struggles as when I left. Got to get that tongue re-sharpened. :smiley: