Modular structure for Halion synthesizer

I think that the Zone parameter named Type gives a lot away: Synth, Sample, Grain and Organ. (I am still awaiting a FM8 entry here, team HALion! :wink: )

I am pretty sure someone from Steinberg at some point replied that Retrologue and Padshop are modified HALion extracts. Probably the same could be said for HSO. Anyways, the point is that R exemplifies the Synth type, P (and PP) showcase the Grain type, and so on.

One can also see the repeated modularity by looking it some of the other combo components, such as the B-Box and the MIDI Module named Drum Player, which I personally like, being an old fart from the era of MIDI hardware modules.

More and more I turn to HALion, rather than the breakouts, simple because I can do more, when needed. The interface compared to the breakouts is generally more involved, but thatโ€™s the price for great flexibility.