One Mod Matrix to Control Multiple Zones' Mod Matrixes

Hi Misohoza,

As always, thanks for your reply!

I’m checking out the Hot Brass and Studio strings right now.

I’ve used the @type:Zone before but in my case, it seemed to only affect the first zone in the program tree and all the other zones remained the same when changes were made.

However, to answer your questions,
Yes, I’m using a 4 different Sample Selectors to switch the the corresponding layers. Each layer has its own call back script that is very similar to Skylab’s call back script. I realize that that specific call back script deals a lot with the handling of the Mod Matrix, but I guess this is where I’m getting a little confused on how to move forward.

I also have a table that limits what can be selected for the mod destinations incorporated in the script.

I was trying to make a single script at the top layer of the instrument that deals with just the mod matrix but this is where I’m having trouble.

Let me know if I can help clarify anything!

Again, thanks, Misohoza!
