Trimming transient spikes

What you can do is use both, first tame the biggest 5 or 10 peaks manually so the threshold for the peak limiter can be set lower. When you find that your biggest transients still occur like in every beat then just put a compressor on and sooth them out that way, or try a limiter with a lower threshold.
There are multiple ways to do this, it really depends if YOU find upside or downside doing it a specific way.
There is no right or wrong.
You can even use a multiband compressor / de-esser if the spikes are in limited range.

You mentioned in the other topic you are working your way through Katz.
One of the more holistic lessons is that you need to learn the effect of your tools, so that you choose the right tool for what you’re trying to achieve. Again, there is no right or wrong, just experiment.
If just a few , just adjust manually
If many, range limit with peak limiter, limiter (multiband compressor) or de-esser. Depening if the peaks are broadband or range limited. Setting like threshold and ceiling should be considered “shaping tools” in this perspective