Please, please, please update the CC121 driver


Also, the ability to reprogram the functions of some of the buttons would be marvelous. For instance, if you could set the |< button to go to the left locator, this would make WORLDS more sense than the random poop it does now!

Seriously, Steinberg! Don’t leave us hanging! This is a solidly built, pretty controller! It’s a shame that very little about it really entices me to use it as it currently stands.

Also, the ability to lock it to a track while going back into the arrange window to play around with a softsynth would be fundamental to improving the actual, day-to-day usability of this thing! I’ve had it for about 9 months now, and I’m finding I hardly ever use the damn thing… this could be easily rectified! My favorite button, and the only one I tend to use all that often, is the instrument GUI open/close (the panel-looking) button.

Allow us to make some sensible customizations to this. PLEASE!! Do the right thing, don’t let us down! Yamaha? Hello? SOMEBODY?! Please respond!!! :cry: