VST Connect & VST Connect SE - Solution Thread

I can’t get this to work. I am using the mac version of cubase 7 and VST Connect performer.
My router is configured to accept udp port 51111-51113.
The studio computer is on a raw internet line without router/firewall.
Both firewalls in the Macs are off.

I have made a wireshark trace to see what´s going on.

Both computers connects to the Steinberg server: ip:
But when the peer to peer connection is to be established both computers send on port 51111 and 51113 to each other but nothing happens in the apps. The packets data includes the data “hello version 28” which seems to me to be a sort of keep alive message. After a while it times out.

It also seems a little bit odd of which computer that starts the negotiation after the server connection is established. I have tried different connection methods and therefore different IP-adresses. It seems that the computer with the highest address starts the ptp negotiation. This means that the one with lowest IP needs to have its router/firewall configured correct. This is not good since that cannot be the clients task (performer). It shall always be that the performer has to establish the ptp connection. The studio shall be the “server” and the performer shall be the “client”.

Anyway Steinberg: The VST Connect SE is a terrific idea but right now it does not work. And make sure you are using correct client/server behavior so firewalls/routers in the way can be configured correctly. Maybe using uPNP is something to consider as most people using Cubase are musicians and not computer networking guys.
