30th Anniversary, anything for loyal customers?

Well, I’m not insulted. And the reality for me is, I could care less. In my opinion, there are far more important things to be vocal about then an offer by a software company which the software itself is a luxury to own.

Do you really think Steinberg is walking all over you?

I realize that my attitude on this topic may not be ideal for what you guys believe in, but you should really curb your assumptions of how they run their business and what you think they mean by how they conduct business. You really dont know.

Your feelings are completely valid when you speak of yourself. Speaking on behalf of steinberg the way you guys are doing it in this thread puts a fork in my eye, probably their’s too… I can only imagine what the Steinberg representatives that may be reading this thread think. I doubt, do to the regard you guys are expressing to them,will bring anything your way.

To me, the conduct here is immature. That is my opinion and I don’t think you guys are bad dudes. I actually enjoy reading your posts and listening to your work.