PLEASE eliminate hovering in the mixer!

I personally have no issue with the hovering function, and appreciate that it keeps the mixer far cleaner than it would be otherwise. The bar gives me a rough idea of the likes of input gain and filter settings without hovering over anything, as do the knob positions on the channel strip. If I need the know the exact value of something I find no issue just mousing over it. It’s not like a real mixer shows you the exact value. Likewise it just shows the physical position of the knob.

PT doesn’t show any input gain and filter settings on it’s mixer as far as I remember. It doesn’t even have channel filter control does it? (Without a plugin) It’s certainly not got EQ curves on the mixer, which I find very useful.

I far prefer Cubase’s mixer and its modular and scalable functionality. PT’s is very rigid with less functionality in comparison. (Although I do like that you can colour the entire channel in PT)