PLEASE eliminate hovering in the mixer!

No I said it could take just as long if there were more smaller buttons. I believe the reduction in visible options may even speed up the use for some people. If it doesn’t for you, so be it, but as I keep saying, don’t assume that’s the case for everyone.

Also, you can have proper buttons even if it is scalable, you can have proper buttons until you’ve narrowed the mixer down a lot that it becomes impractical, then the hover buttons can come in, but the problem is when you’ve narrowed the mixer that much the hover thing doesn’t work properly anyway as the buttons overlap with the adjecent channels and you never hit the right thing.

The trouble is if the bar is split into buttons then the parameters which show an estimation of their value in the background become more fiddly. Personally i’ve not found an issue with overlapping buttons at narrow widths. Maybe it’s just the way I use it.