[FR] Show Markers, Tempo, Arranger in Editors please!

Hi all,
wouldn’t it be necessary to show the Markers and other organizational items (Ruler tracks, Arranger, Tempo, etc.) in the Editors? I’m spending a lot of time placing Cymbal hits at the moment and switching back and forth between the Project Window and my editors IS a little tedious… :wink:



Show Markers in Editors please!


Or make edidors docked. So you can see editor and markers/tempo track/arranger and everything you need simultaneously at the same time. There is more - you will be able to edit events, solo/mute and whatever you’ll need on different tracks as you want. What you think about that? Just look how it is work on Studio One 3 and others DAWs.

This feature would be great.

Yes please


Great idea.


This is how Studio One 3 does it, and it works well.

I would settle for an option that would cause the key editor (piano role view) and the tempo editor stay in sync with respect to position and zoom. It’s easy enough to switch between them with a single keystroke, but maintaining position sync is very tedious. Auto-syncing the key editor and the tempo editor would be a huge productivity improvement … so please, please, please!

I think it’s best if you create another topic for that one. (e.g. “Option to sync project and editor positions”)

Great idea. Will do this.

Waited 10 years. Any day now!!!

Hihi… :smiley:


Yes please

Can I ask for this again: When I’m in a MIDI or audio editor, I need to see markers, tempo track, chord track and possibly the arranger track up top.

All the best and congrats for Cubase 8.5 so far! Let’s make it even better!!


YEEEEES! +100000000

+1 for Markers and Chord track viewer in midi editor.

And/or for Dockable midi editor.
