Use Quickeys/Keyboard Maestro/Autohotkey to enhance Cubase

Waveform Zoom
Here is zooming the waveform using Keyboard Maestro for the Mac.

There are six macros
-Two of them move your cursor and zooms in and out smoothly.
-Two of them jump in increments and return your cursor to the previous location
-And finally two of them jump to max and normal wave form zoom sizes.

I have them mapped out to the home, end, delete and page down keys because they are like the arrow keys and the smooth zooming I mapped to the number pad plus and minus keys. Note you need to at least show the Status Line for this to work. You can also show the Status plus either the Overview or the Info Line but not both since it clicks relative to the window location. I have included one other example macro that works based on image, it is only slightly slower in execution but has less variables like if you show the docked racks.
Waveform (130 KB)

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