Scratch pad

-1 to SB copying Studio One. +1 for SB to come up with their own way of doing this.

There’s more to it than what one sees on first glance. A scratch Pad is nice, but in Cubase you can have similar functionality by including the tempo and sig tracks with Track Versions.

A solid implementation of something like this would bring a way to have multiple cues in a project timeline, without having to switch to separate window or pane. This would mean having a way to lock sections of the timeline in a way that would permit making tempo changes to a subsection without the effect of moving events that are further down the timeline, regardless of track time base.

Some of the posts that have popped up here after S1 announced their new version include people saying they would never switch to it, but would just like SB to include the exact feature. Why? Even though Cubase has a steeper learning curve, it has a more mature feature set, and more features.

SB has never been a company that simply copied features from other daws (though I’m sure someone will find a fact to contradict that :wink: )