cubase 8.5 import tracks from project - bug

Same here. And something more- after this steps:

  1. File > import Tracks from Project

  2. btn “Select None”

  3. manually select one track to be imported
    4.a. [the checkBox “Copy to Active Project Folder” is selected by default] // 4.b. Uncheck and reCheck the Checkbox

  4. btn “OK”
    → Result 4.a. = Imported media is NOT copied in the Active Project Forder
    → Result 4.b. = Imported media is copied in the Active Project Forder

  5. Select all clips(*) from the imported track and press Ctrl+X for cut…
    → Result = Dialog window ‘Import Option’ appears now. But nothing happens if I click OK or Cancel -
    if [4.a.] > the imported files are still not copied in the project folder
    nomatter if [4.a.] or [4.b.] this Dialog window appears after step [6.]

Note: (*) the bug reproduces only if I select all clips on the track.
in my case the parts of the imported tracks are from few different files, I haven’t tasted if that matters