Surely, it must feel good!

I was in such shock when this happened that I felt almost depressed, truly. Although I am a performer first, the income I make from arranging, orchestrating, and on occasion composing, is very significant, and that work is also a very enjoyable part of my life. I always felt I could count on “the team” to be on my side, and it felt like being part of a community. When 'the team" was sacked, I felt professionally abandoned! I was so thrilled to know that these wonderfully talented people were recognised for their skills and hired to work on a new project. And as for the support Daniel, it was of course crucial that you first got that from Hamburg, but do know that countless people such as myself were cheering you on, because one reaps what one sows.

Congratulations again!

Claude Lapalme
Music Director
Red Deer Symphony Orchestra