Hide or delete short names of instruments etc.

At first glance, the XML import into Dorico looked very similar to what Finale was displaying, except for a few strange things. For example FInale decided to notate the trombone(s) on two staves for some reason, and the second staff seems to have ended up as separate unnamed instrument in Dorico.

There are lots of options in the Finale MIDI import, so that could probably improved if you know what you want to produce - I just used the default settings. For example you can convert short notes into grace notes (and tell Finale how short is “short”), and stop it trying to notate the “exact” rhythms with strange tuplets.

If you have printouts of the scores you could also try scanning them with Photoscore or other apps. If they are in PDF format, PDFtoMusic Pro “looks inside” the PDF to identify the exact location of individual notes and the font characters for different note heads etc, so poor quality printing and/or scanning don’t create errors.