Workspace remembers zoom and position?

Interesting. So this is broken behaviour from a previous version.? Or, they’ve actually fixed them to work properly (as designed.!) finally in C9.?

Who knows… But now, in light of your workaround you find you actually desire that ‘old’ behaviour - and so the topic then becomes one of being a ‘Feature Request’. Well, only Steinberg can tell you - is this a ‘bug’ or ‘feature request’; only they know what their design was properly supposed to do, over the years of development… :slight_smile:

BTW - I’d have thought you should still be able to raise/submit a Support Ticket via your MySteinberg account, wherever you are in the world. I would ask that precise question - is it a bug or a feature request, please.?

Good luck.!

PS:- I no longer use these - just developed different workflows; its much as @djw has said above, I’d found them clumsy and a bit unpredictable previously, in what they would actually recall… so, ended up abandoning them.

PPS:- just seen this; Steinberg Forums so maybe your support ticket did simply bounce you out on this occasion.