Workspace remembers zoom and position?

BTW - I’d have thought you should still be able to raise/submit a Support Ticket via your MySteinberg account, wherever you are in the world. I would ask that precise question - is it a bug or a feature request, please.?

I asked them today how is that supposed to work via email and it appears as a ticket on mysteinberg account. But on MS account I am missing that option.

No matter how they design it in the end they should leave option to work as it in previous version cause some people get used to the new way and some old way which in this case both ways are fine. The simple tick box in Workspace Organizer or in Preferences will solve problem. Or simple logical explanation why they change behavior between the versions and justify why the new behavior is better than older if they decide to unable old behavior.

I am using Cubase from VST5 version (2003 I think?) and its not uncommon that they mess some features from version to version :slight_smile: