Vocalign in Cubase 9 using render in place

Hi all

This is a bit of a rhetorical post, after looking at tutorials for vocalign i decided to try it out. The demos all seemed to have rather roundabout ways of getting the audio back into C9 after lining it up. However i tried “render in place” on the track with the vocalign project plugin and it seemed to work beautifully. Wondered why this hadn’t been shown in any tutorials, anyone else doing it this way?

Best Regards



What does it bring to the work flow?

Hi Martin

Vocalign themselves in the tutorials were saying one had to export the tracks then bring them back into cubase(maybe I didnt understand properly) but using RIP it is all pretty fast and convenient. I just mentioned it because none of the tutorials referred to it.

Best Regards


Dave, great idea! Thank you for sharing that tip. Much faster. Terry

just want to add as a former vocalign user that revoice is an excellent easy work flow especially with cubase. its copy paste and can learn the flow in minutes. I know it sucks you have to give up the VA license to upgrade but I have found it is definitely worth the trouble.