Roli & Halion

Hey, I really appreciate your answers. Ok so my fear was correct. Every time you load a new preset from the factory, you have to load the script again to use mpe.

As far as your comment about needing multiple instances as a multi-timbral instrument, yes I know that, however the first note sent by bitwig in mpe mode is always to channel 2, so it should receive the first note if set to A2 right? I was testing to make sure that the first note was received, which it wasn’t. So something very weird is going on here. A midi monitor plugin confirms that midi data is being received on channel 2 before halion, but halion only receives midi when set to A1. So strange, because all plugins (at least in VST2) will not receive midi when in mpe mode if the channel is set to channel 1 (since it sends starting with channel 2). I’ll try to ask bitwig, who knows what’s happening.