Colors Limitation for customization in 9,5

:imp: :smiling_imp: But !! One’s I choose a theme colors, let’s say… purple, for all other customizable color parts “personnalzed” colors ! :laughing: :laughing: , I ONLY have the choice betxeen dark purple or bright purpule !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

How developers thought this stupid feature would please to users ??? I WANT REAL PERSONNALIZABLE COLORS !! One has EVEN less possibilities than before !! How can Steinberg be so idiot ?? They are mental defective ?? Are they affraid users use bad colors ?? Can’t they let us have just a little choice ? All the gui have the same sad color, now !

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: I can’t believe to see how much steinberg choice are at that level idiot ! Unbelievable ! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

People who have sight problem are going to be very very happy !! I hardly hold back very bad words for those who decided that ! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

And we had to pay for that !!! :imp: :smiling_imp:

Mais je dirai quand même qu’on a à faire à une sacrée bande de connards ! Qu’on leur greffe des lunettes qui rendent malvoyant, qu’on rigole à notre tour !