Windmill in a Tree

Yo Steph,

yeah, I am still actually pondering the drums and stuff on this one.
It started out with a loop and that set things up for the recording.
Now, it’s ended up neither loop nor “real” drum parts, but at times
I feel I can live with it. I rarely add percussion, not because I don’t like it,
but I tend (perhaps wrongly) to equate it with slickness. And even that
statement has me wondering why.

Did you mean change to tempo or to drum part? Therein, the battle
between simple loop and a more detailed drum part rears its head.

I was in a rush to meet a 24th April deadline, so I will certainly take
note of your comments for a later mix.

Thanks very much for your kind comments, especially regarding the
guitar. I felt like a total dope playing a Strat for the first time.