[Elements] Text facilities and constraints

Good call. It appears Elements retains most if not all of the filters of Dorico.

Yes, useful suggestion, and something I already do when sending out manuals for professional printing.

This is true, but one must set the typeface before starting the new project; once under way, there seems no way to choose something different for that project. This will bite people, as it’s not the expected behaviour for editor software.

I appreciate your need for product differentiation.

However, Elements allows extensive typeface attribute selection for Staff and System text. I wonder if this facility could be leveraged? As these items presumably have location coordinates in their underlying data structures, my thought is that permitted items from the Project Info dialog (such as title, etc) could be treated as a type of System text object albeit with unique private virtual location identifiers. Their uniqueness would allow for them to be painted at specific places only; their privacy would ensure an end-user couldn’t hijack them to simulate Big Dorico’s text flows; and their virtuality (?) would distinguish them to the layout engine.