Shortcut for activating marker tracks

Make hot keys to these settings:

Preferences, Project & mixconsole:
-Enable recording on selected midi track.
-Enable recording on selected audio track.
-Scroll to selected track.

Now when you are in the work setting where you need to work both midi and marker track. You deactivate the Enable recording on selected midi track.
This will prevent the arm track from jumping away from the track you have armed. Now you can have several tracks armed and click around on tracks and not lose the record enable.

Next you have the option to deactivate the Scroll to selected track. This is also handy if you want to stay focused in the project window with the track you are working on while executing commands that involves select command to other tracks. The lowerzone mixer and mixer will still navigate to the selected track.

The audio option works same way if you are dealing with audio.