HiDPI in Windows 10

Most of Windows-API features are cumulative. So everything available in Windows 7 is also available in more recent Windows versions, so support in W7 and W10 cannot be totally different, it can be just extended in W10.

Per-Monitor DPI Awareness is not as important as support for HiDPI itself. For basic DPI awareness, all you need is:

  • determine pixel ratio by dividing GetDeviceCaps(GetDC(window), LOGPIXELSX) by default 96;
  • multiply all the UI-element’s sizes and coordinates by that ratio with proportional upscaling of bitmap graphics where needed;
  • declare DPI awareness: either via executable’s manifest (<dpiAware>true</dpiAware>) or by calling SetProcessDPIAware().

Or does Cubase 10 use Windows 10’s automatic scaling stuff like EnableNonClientDpiScaling() without actually supporting true HiDPI?

Fwiw, according to StatCounter, market share of Windows 7 is 70% of Windows 10’s market share (36.31% vs. 51.94%). According to NetMarketShare, the difference is even smaller: Windows 7’s market share is 84% of Windows 10’s one (35.27% vs. 41.82%).