Upgrade Cubase to Dorico

They are flooding the forum to ask for help in how to use the software. I read every post on this forum, so I write with authority when I say that in general the tenor of the discussion on the site is happy and that the vast majority of users are happy with the software. The vast majority of the posts on the forum are in the form of “how do I…?” questions rather than complaints.

I can’t speak with authority on that point as I am not closely involved in the development of Cubase, but I can say that Cubase 10 has been one of the most successful updates we’ve ever released. Cubase has a much larger user community than Dorico at this point – which is hardly surprising – and I believe that in general the tenor of the discussion on the Cubase forum tends to be more combative than it is here on the Dorico forum. So even if you see a larger proportion of posts that are critical of the release, that doesn’t mean that even a sizeable minority of users are unhappy with the update. I think there’s a clear case of confirmation bias going on here: you’re unhappy with Cubase and Dorico, so you’re looking for evidence that others feel the same way. No doubt some do, but there’s no evidence to suggest that a large number of users share your views.

In any case, neither we in the Dorico team or my colleagues in the Cubase team are complacent: it is of vital importance that we satisfy our customers, and we all work tirelessly to do so. But we cannot meet every user’s demands with every release. Development takes time, and careful prioritisation of the needs of different groups of users is one of the key tasks that we devote ourselves to.

So perhaps this is the real crux of your complaint: you want the Score Editor in Cubase to get more attention. If so, you need to express this on the Cubase forum, not here on the Dorico forum. We in the Dorico team do not have any direct influence over the development priorities of the various teams working on Cubase. The Score Editor is developed according to its overall priority as determined by my colleagues who are involved in planning each new Cubase and Nuendo release. The fact that Dorico exists does not directly influence that overall priority.

I think it’s also not true to say that there has been no progression whatsoever in the Score Editor. There have been a number of improvements to MusicXML import and export, and to the input method for inputting notes directly into the Score Editor. I also know that there is a long list of improvements that the team want to make to the Score Editor in future, which they will tackle as determined by its priority within the overall prioritisation for development for future versions.

As I say, if your real quarrel is with the pace of development in the Score Editor in Cubase, please take that up in the Cubase forum rather than here. If you have some specific requests for the Score Editor in Cubase, you are welcome to send them to me (at d dot spreadbury at steinberg dot de) and I will be sure to pass them on to the product planners and developers responsible for that area of the software.