N10 - Frequent eLicensor Control errors

Just saw something interesting.
I’d been running N10 happily all morning, and broke for lunch. Quit N10.2, put the Mac to sleep…

Came back, gave Mac time to wake up, everything looked stable, and launched N10.
LOTS of license errors. More than just the usual failure to GetInfo; in this case many more warning dialogs. Force-Quit N.
Opened eLicenser and watched it settle down. Didn’t bother re-syncing.
Tried to launch N10 again while eLicenser window was open…
While N10 is doing its startup, there are frequent calls back to eLicenser. Each time, eLicenser has to blank its window, check my licenses again, and respond. The poor license software is going crazy, instead of saying just once “he’s legit”.

This time – with licenser window open – everything launched without a problem.

Hypothesis: if eLicenser isn’t open for each call, it has to restart. Depending on your system, that might take too long and generate an error.
So to test and gather more data, I’m going to leave the eLicenser open each time I try to start. See if helps…