Try Cubase 13 free for 60 Days

Get all music production features of Cubase 13 free for 60 days.

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    Cubase is the DAW used by Hollywood blockbuster composers and Billboard Hot 100 producers right through to keen beginners. Choose the trial version that suits you best.

    Cubase Pro 13

    The complete digital audio workstation, trusted by many Hollywood blockbuster composers and Billboard Hot 100 producers worldwide.

    Professional composition, recording, mixing and editing workflows

    Dolby Atmos support

    Advanced MIDI editing

    Control Room monitoring environment

    Pro plug-in set including Spectral Comparison EQ

      Cubase Elements 13

      The perfect budget-friendly introduction to the world of music production. Cubase Elements has all you need to get started!

      Inspiring songwriting tools including Chord Pads

      Retrospective Record

      Scale Assistant

      Groove Agent SE, HALion Sonic, Iconica Sketch, Flux and Sampler Track

      Over 20 GB of sounds and loops